The brothers of Beta Nu have been very busy this semester preparing for induction, initiation, brotherhood events, and more. Although we are only halfway through the Spring 2022 semester, we have done so much already this semester! Here's a look into what the brothers of Beta Nu have been up to so far...
Rush Spring 2022
In mid-January, Beta Nu held its two week rush process (coordinated by CJ Denault, Rush Committee Head) which included events such as spaghetti night, cookies and crafts, game night, and more. We had a great turn out to all of our events and were so happy to interview five pledge candidates following rush.
On February 6th, the brothers inducted five new pledges to our Spring 2022 pledge class! We would like to extend a warm welcome to Meghan, Ethan, David, and Kayla to ΑΧΣ, and we can not wait to initiate them as brothers on April 2nd, 2022.
About our Pledges:

Major: Chemistry
Year: Freshman

Major: Chemistry (ACS)
Year: Freshman

Major: Chemistry
Year: Sophomore

Major: First Year Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
Year: Freshman

On March 4th, some of our brothers enjoyed a fun Friday night out at the Union Rack and Roll and went bowling (coordinated by Sam Langdon, Brotherhood Committee Head). The brothers also invited our four pledges who had some fun getting to know and bond with our brothers even more.

More brotherhood events are on the way! FON is coming up soon, as well as other fun events planned by our Brotherhood Committee.

Brothers Pictured (left to right): CJ Denault, Lexi Fresh, Sam Langdon, Jill Barbarito, Lauren Cail, Elizabeth Loper, Bo Kearney, Maddie Cullison, Pooja Tudi, Nicole Freundl, Rachel Fisher, pledge class (listed above)